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A roadmap for a successful retirement Retirement looks different for everyone. We start with the bigger picture, assessing your current and future needs and taking all of your assets into account. We discuss the possibilities and provide you with a roadmap for a successful retirement.

Retirement Planning

Retirement, you define what it means.

Whatever stage you are at and whatever retirement looks like for you, we are there to help you plan for it.

How can we help

A roadmap for a successful retirement

Retirement looks different for everyone. We start with the bigger picture, assessing your current and future needs and taking all of your assets into account. We discuss the possibilities and help to provide you with a roadmap for a successful retirement.

Maximise your pension

Pensions and the rules around them are complex. Our team will work with you to consider your financial circumstances and lifestyle in the context of your broader retirement plan. 

Bring you peace of mind

We know markets don’t move in straight lines. This can be worrying in retirement when you are drawing income from your portfolio.  We work with you to create an investment portfolio with the objective to withstand the ups and downs of markets and give you peace of mind.

Some questions you might have

By helping you figure out your goals we can help determine how much you’ll need to fund the retirement you hope for. Your financial life plan can be the roadmap to help you get there – whether that means saving more, spending less or working longer, we can help you weigh up your options and make informed decisions.     

Retiring early may require some trade-offs. We can help you plan to make early retirement a reality and track your progress over time. Our forecasting models within your holistic financial plan can add context to life’s important decisions. Remember, the earlier you begin planning the earlier you’ll be ready.

Retirement may be the most expensive thing you’ll ever fund. Pensions remain one of the most tax efficient structures to save for retirement and are a key component of retirement planning. We provide a wide range of pension options to suit your needs whatever your circumstances, and we answer all of those pensions questions.

We can help you review your current spending and guide you in the right direction. And then we’ll regularly review in order to ensure with the aim of ensuring that you don’t outlive your assets.

Have a question?

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Our approach to helping you achieve the future you want.


We take the time to listen and understand what’s going on in your life right now. We work with you to identify the goals and priorities that are important to you and your family.


Your financial life plan is a journey made up of different stages. Our commitment is to help you navigate this journey, with the aim of securing your financial future today and tomorrow.


By combining our understanding of your financial goals and circumstances with our view of the world, we can select and manage a suitable strategy to achieve your specific needs.


Markets and personal circumstances change over time. You can expect regular reviews to track progress towards meeting your goals, modifying your investment strategy as needed.

Our People

Our advisers are here to help

Source: *NI Voice of Client Survey 2024

We’re ready to help you plan for a better retirement.

Your financial future starts with a conversation

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