Employing 900 people, Davy has offices in Belfast, London, Dublin, Cork and Galway. Our offices are all centrally located and easily accessible by public transport.
Donegall House 7 Donegall Square North Belfast BT1 5GB Northern Ireland
6th Floor | Gresham St. Paul’s 45 Gresham St London EC2V 7EH England
Davy House 49 Dawson Street Dublin 2 Ireland
Hibernian House 80A South Mall Cork Ireland
1 Dockgate Dock Road Galway Ireland
Incidents of fraud and cybercrime are increasing with scams becoming more sophisticated and harder to identify. Fraudsters are continuously coming up with new ways to try to illegally access personal and financial information, often by convincing people that they are dealing with a company they know. Visit our security centre to learn more about the types of scams to be aware of, what to do if you’re the victim of fraud and ways to protect yourself.
Security centre
Information on this website is not investment advice as it does not take into account the investment objectives, knowledge and experience or financial situation of any particular person. Prospective investors should make their own assessment of the information and obtain advice suitable to their own individual circumstances. Please note that Davy does not provide tax or legal advice, nor accept liability for it. We recommend that you consider seeking tax and legal advice from professionals, with whom we are happy to engage.
All data correct as at October 2023. The ‘Voice of the Client’ survey was conducted in 2023 with a large representative sample of the Davy UK base.